
Terms of Participation

I. Conclusion of an agreement

1. Before entering into an agreement, the Client should read the terms of participation and the programme of the event, constituting an integral part of the agreement.
2. An agreement shall be concluded upon signing of by the Client of a printed text of the agreement with the Organizer, Agent or their representatives authorized to sell Organizer's events and upon the payment of the I installment of the price for the event or of the total costs.
2a. A person signing the agreement has to be of 18 years of age. The canoeing rally is designed for adults.

2b. Disabled persons of the age of more than 15 years may participate in the event only under the care of the parents or legal guardian.

II. Terms of payment

1. The condition for entering a person on the list of participants is the payment of 1st installment equal to at least 30% of the price for the event.
2. The client must pay the full price for the event or the remaining part of the price partially paid in order to make it full payment no later than 40 days prior to the commencement of the event.
3. In the case of purchasing the event within the term shorter than 40 days prior to the commencement, the Client is required to pay the entire amount due on the day of signing an agreement.
4. If no payment is made in the specified term, the Organizer may terminate the agreement. In such a case the Organizer is entitled to retain the advance paid (and he is entitled to make deductions on the terms that apply in the case of resignation from the participation in the event).

III. Scope of organizer's responsibility

1. The Organizer is responsible for due realization of the tourist event in accordance with the provisions of the agreement concluded and the information contained in the offer.
2. The Organizer is not liable for any things lost or stolen during the event through the fault of the Client, nor for the loss of health, death, moral damage, costs of holiday lost, etc.
3. The Organizer is not liable for the breach of the agreement consisting in the failure to perform or undue performance of the agreement by the Client or any third parties not bound by the agreement with the Organizer.
4. If the Client flagrantly or persistently breaches the order during the event, the Organizer may terminate the agreement with the Client immediately. In such a case, the Client is not entitled to the refund of the value of services not used.

IV. Rescission from the agreement by the Organizer

1. The Organizer reserves a right to call off the event for technical reasons within the term no shorter than 21 days prior to the commencement of the event. In such a case the office must notify the Client thereof and refund in full the fees paid by the Client.
2. The event may be called off at any time for the reason of force majeure, the Organizer must notify the fact to the Client in writing immediately after it resolves on such a call-off.
3. The Organizer reserves a right to amend the programme of the rally in case of prevailing extreme weather conditions.

V. Rights, duties and responsibility of the Client

1. The Client is entitled to all services determined in the programme of the event contained in an information folder issued by the Organizer. For services not used by the Client, for personal reasons (break of the journey, shortening of a journey, accident, etc.) no financial compensation from the Organizer is vested.
2. The Client is entitled to resign from participating in the event. The resignation from participating shall be on the day of delivering to the Organizer of a statement on the resignation to participate in the event signed in his/her own hand by the Client.
3.The Organizer recommends to the participant to take out an insurance against the costs of resignation from the event.
4. With regard to the costs incurred, the Organizer is entitled to deduct the following amounts from fees paid by the Client, if the Client:

Resigns to participate more than 60 days prior to the commencement date of the event - 10% of the price for the event

Resigns to participate more than 30 days prior to the commencement date of the event - 25% of the price for the event

Resigns to participate more than 15 days prior to the commencement date of the event - 50% of the price for the event

Resigns to participate more than 7 days prior to the commencement date of the event - 80% of the price for the event

Resigns to participate during the last seven days prior to the commencement date of the event - 100% of the price for the event

The said deduction shall be made regardless the term of the signing of the agreement.

5. The Client must pay for damages resulting from the destruction of property and damages made to third parties during the event by Client or minor persons being under the care of the Client.
6. The Client is entitled to make complaints if the agreement is not performed or unduly performed by the Organizer.
6a. Any complaints must be confirmed by a person authorized by the Organizer on the site of the event on pain of invalidity.

6b. The Client must submit the complaint in writing within 7 days of the ending of the event. The delay beyond this 7-day period invalidates the complaint.

6c. The Organizer must consider the complaint within 30 days of its receipt.

VI. Final provisions

1. In matters not regulated by these terms the provisions of the Act of August 29, 1997 on Tourist Services, as amended and of the Civil Code shall apply.
2. Any disputes that may arise in connection with the performance of the agreement shall be settled amicably and if no agreement is reached by the Court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Organizer.